16 Mar 2018

Using the CAFR from Week 1, evaluate your individual entitieswith your team and discuss the following: Does the governmentcontribute to one or more pension plans? Are they defined benefitor defined contribution plans? If they are defined benefit plans,are they single employer (maintained by the government itself) ormultiple-employer. Does the government report pension expenses orexpenditures? If so, in which fund or funds? Does the governmentreport pension liabilities? If so, in which fund or funds? Does theCAFR indicate the actuarial value of plan assets and liabilities?Are the plans overfunded or underfunded? For the state ofCalifornia CAFR

I am unable to download but the CAFR is located here:http://www.sco.ca.gov/Files-ARD-Local/LocRep/cafr15web.pdf

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
17 Mar 2018

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