30 Oct 2018

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12. _____ is an example of a monetary incentiveused to control a manager's tendency to shirk and wasteresources.

a. A recognition program

b. Job enrichment

c. A promotion

13. Which of the following is true ofparticipative budgeting?

a. It imposes budgets on subordinate managers.

b. It fosters a sense of responsibility among managers.

d. It discourages creativity.

14. In March, Burlywood had the followingresults:


Units in process, March 1, 80% complete

36,000 units

Units completed and transferred out

120,000 units

Units in process, March 31, 40% complete

44,500 units


Work in process, March 1


Costs added during March


Determine the total cost to be assigned using the first-in,first-out costing method.

a. $55,200

c. $48,080

d. $52,320

9. In cost-volume-profit analysis, amultiple-product problem is converted into a single-product problemby:

a. determining the sales prices.

b. defining the features of the products.

c. determining the unit variable cost.

d. defining a particular sales mix inunits.

13. Which of the following is true ofsensitivity analysis?

a. It allows managers to vary costs, prices, and salesmix to show various possible break-even points.

b. It can be performed only when managers have accurate dataabout financial forecasts.

c. It provides accurate data about sales, contribution margin,and operating income without ambiguity.

d. It can be easily performed on hand with limited knowledge ofrevenue and cost systems.

1.Decisions that involve choosing betweendifferent alternatives that attempt to provide a competitiveadvantage over a particular time frame are called:

b. strategic decisions.

c. relevant decisions.

d. short-term decisions.

4. Which of the following is an example of adirect fixed cost?

a. Cost of a mold for a product

c. Cost of printing annual reports

d. Salary of a receptionist

10. Which of the following is true of targetpricing?

a. It aims to increase cost on redesigning the product duringthe production stage.

b. It requires the use of fewer materials, labor, and processesduring production, delivery and customer service.

c. It recognizes that only 50% of a product's cost becomescommitted by the time it reaches the design stage.

Budgets can be improved as performance measures by:

a. holding managers accountable for noncontrollable costs.

b. using fixed budgeting.

c. setting standards that are either too high or too low.

d. using participative budgeting.

_____ are an example of nonmonetary incentives used to enhance abudgetary control system.

a. Bonuses paid to managers

b. Salary increases to workers

c. Recognition programs

d. Promotions offered to supervisors

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
31 Oct 2018

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