6 Apr 2019

1) A tissue in a mouse contains two types of cells: one that divides rapidly and one that divides more slowly. The most likely difference between these two cell types is that the slow-dividing cell type spends more time in phase
G1, G2, G3, M, or S
2) In meiosis II
a- four genetically identical cells are generated
b- sister chromatids are separated
c- DNA replication occurs
d- crossing over occurs
e- both a and b
3) The four haploid nuclei found at the end of meiosis differ from one another in their exact genetic composition. Some of this difference is the result of?
a- cytokinesis
b- replication of DNA during the S phase
c- separation of sister chromatids at anaphase II
d- spindle formation
e- crossing over during prophase I
4) Which of the following does not occur during mitotic prometaphase?
a- disappearance of the nuclear envelope
b- initial movement of chromosomes towards the equatorial plate
c- adhesion of chromatids at the centromere
d- pairing of homologous chromosomes
e- disappearance of the nuclei

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
7 Apr 2019

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