3 Apr 2018

This is a post-lab question for my genetics class:

How can you prove that the substance you have extracted is DNA? Brainstorm with your group members (not possible as this is a solo post lab [until I can find a study group]) and outline an experiments that could be conducted to test your hypothesis. Present your group's idea in a teacher-mediated classroom forum (not possible, this will be typed and submitted) and hold a discussion with classmates about whether or not your chosen method would work.

The lab we preformed the Strawberry DNA Extraction, I think even little kids at science fairs have done this one!

The “hint” given was to think about the chemical nature of DNA.

I understand that DNA is made of deoxyribonucleic acid. Deoxyribose being a specific type of sugar. There is also a phosphate and more importantly (or at least I think) is the nitrogenous base.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
6 Apr 2018

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