
1. Diseases are those abnormal conditionsin which the bodys defensive cells fail to make the self versus thenonself distinction correctly, and attack the body's owntissues.
A. Cancerous
B. Septic
C. Autoimmune
D. Nondiscrete

2. Which of the following determinesgenetic sex (male or female) in mammals?
A. the acrosome of the sperm
B. the temperature of the developing fetus
C. the SRY gene on the Y chromosome
D. the genetic makeup of the parents
E. the Y chromosome contained in the egg

3. Which of the following regardingantigens is true?
A. Antigens can only be recognized by their specificity.
B. An antigen is a molecule which promotes a general immuneresponse.
C. A large antigen is likely to have many different epitopes, eachof which can stimulate a distinct immune response.
D. The most effective antigen are small simple amino acidcomplexes.
E. Bacteria do not contain antigens.

4. All of the following are defensemechanism employed by vertebrates except

A. negative test, as in, not findingself-markers.

B. change in chromosomal composition

C. positive test to recognize presence ofnonself-markers

D. specific antibodies.

E. skin and mucous membranes asbarriers.

5. The immune system depends on thefunction of ______, which include several types of phagocytic cellsand two kinds of lymphocytes.

A. platelets

B. leukocytes

C. target cells

D. erythrocytes

6. In comparing the kidneys of marine andfreshwater fish, which of the following is not true?

A. Freshwater fish fluids have a greaterosmotic concentration.

B. Marine fish excrete many of the divalentcations through the anus.

C. The flow of the filtrate is faster inmarine fish.

D. The urine is less concentrated infreshwater fish.

E. Marine fish drink greater quantities ofwater.

7. The kidneys of which one of thefollowing are so highly efficient that it never has to drink waterand can obtain all of its water from its food?

A. desert lizard

B. camel

C. pocket moue Perognathus

D. kangaroo rat

E. gerbil

8. Select the incorrect statement regardingthe temperature of the immune system.

A. Interleukin-1 is a pyrogen, which cancause the neurons in the hypothalamus to raise the body'stemperature, producing a fever.

B. Fevers cause the liver and spleen tostore sodium and potassium which bacteria need for their growth andmetabolism.

C. Fevers above 105 ° F can be fatal.

D. Fever contributes to the body's defensesby stimulating phagocytosis.

E. When macrophages encounter invadingcells, they release interleukin-1, which is carried to the brain bythe circulatory system.

9. Which of the following is not amechanism to prevent polyspermy?

A. change in membrane otential of egg

B. vitelline envelopes lift off surface ofegg

C. sperm nuclei degraded inside eggallowing one to fuse

D. cortical granule enzymes remove spermreceptors from egg

E. altering composition of exterior eggcoat

10. Which of the following cells have anincorrect function?

A. neutrophil---important antigenpresenting cell

B. eosinophil---important to theelimination of parasites

C. mast cell---releases histamine

D. macrophage---phagocytic cell

E. monocyte---precursor of macrophage

11. Which part of the antibody moleculedetermines its role in the immune response?

A. disulfide chains

B. the entire molecule

C. the stem of the Y

D. the heavy chains

E. two arms of the Y

12. Select the incorrectly matchedimmunoglobin (Ig)subclass and a fact about it.

A. IgG---found in the plasma and secretedin secondary response

B. IgM---first secreted during primaryresponse

C. IgE----promotes the release ofhistamine

D. IgA----found in saliva and mother’smilk

E. IgD----serve as receptors on thesurfaces of T cells

13. _______ are the source ofantibody-producing cells.

A. B cells

B. Plasma cells

C. Monocytes

D. Macrophages

E. T cells

14. Select the incorrect statementregarding the inflammatory response.

A. The alarm signals can be histamines orprostaglandins.

B. The inflammation response is a localizedspecific response to infection or injury.

C. Neutrophils spill chemical in the areaof injury or infection that kills bacteria, tissues, andthemselves.

D. Tissue can exhibit edema from thedilation of the blood vessels in the area of injury orinfection.

E. If a cell is injured or infected, itreleases chemical alarm signals that promote dilation of bloodvessels at the injury site.

15. Reproduction in reptiles compares toreproduction in birds in that

A. both newly hatched birds and reptilesrequire parental care.

B. the eggs of both birds and reptiles haveprotective shells.

C. birds are oviparous, reptiles areovoviviparous.

D. both exhibit external fertilization.

E. male or female reptiles reproduceasexually; birds do not.

16. ______diseases are those abnormalconditions in which the body’s defensive cells fail to make theself versus the nonself distinction correctly, and attack thebody’s own tissues.

A. Cancerous

B. Septic

C. Autoimmune

D. Nondiscrete

17. Most marine invertebrates areosmoconformers. This means that

A. the osmolality of their body fluids isequal to that of the osmoregulators who inhabit the sameenvironments.

B. the osmolality of their body fluidsfluctuates between being hypertonic to hyportonic depending on theseason and the tides.

C. the osmolality of their body fluids isnot the same as their seawater environment

D. the osmolality of their body fluids isthe same as their seawater environment and that their bodiescontain the same solutes as their surroundings

E. the osmolality of their body fluids isthe same as their seawater environment

18. Which of the following determinesgenetic (male or female) in mammals?

A. the acrosome of the sperm

B. the temperature of the developingfetus

C. the SRY gene on the Y chromosome

D. the genetic makeup of the parents

E. the Y chromosome contained in theegg

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019
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