
1. In biology, the term "ionic bond" is used differently than inchemistry. A biological "ionic bond" is used to describe theinteraction of an R group containing a carboxyl group(–COO–) with an R group containing an amino group(–NH3+). From this description, what do youunderstand a biological "ionic bond" to be?

a. van der waals interaction

b. hydrogen bond

c. Electrostatic interaction

d. covalent bond

2. The three dimensional arrangement of alpha helices,beta-sheets and other parts of the polypeptide chain is called

a. primary structure

b. secondary strucutre

c. tertiary structure

d. quaternary structure

3. Multiple polypeptide chains are held together by

a. peptide bond

b. intermolecular forces

4. What holds multiple polypeptides together? (Choose bestanswer)

a. R groups

b. amino groups

c. carboxylate group

5. Which of the following single-celled organisms is an exampleof a prokaryote?

a. algae

b. yeast

c. amoeba

d. bacteria

6. Which of the following is an insect most closely relatedto?

a. tree

b. mushroom

c. fish

d. bacteria

7. In evolutionary history, which was the most ancientdivergence?

a. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

b. Birds and reptiles

c. Rats and mice

d. Plants and animals

8. In evolutionary history, which was the most recentdivergence?

a. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

b. Birds and reptiles

c. Rats and mice

d. Plants and animals

9. What is the chemical equation for ATP synthesis?

a. ADP + Pi ⟶ ATP + H2O

b. ATP + H2O ⟶ ADP + Pi

c. ADP + H2O ⟶ ATP + Pi

d. ATP + Pi ⟶ ADP +H2O

9. What is glycolysis?]

a. It is the oxidation of three-carbon molecules into carbondioxide.

b. It is the splitting of six-carbon sugars into three carbonmolecules with the synthesis of ATP.

c. It is the transport of electrons to power the synthesis ofATP.

d. It is the synthesis of sugars from carbon dioxide.

10. What chemistry concept describes whether a reaction orprocess can occur spontaneously?

a. therodynamics

b. kinetics

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019
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