
can all three questions be answered please

1. is it possible for natural selection to occur buta population to not evolve. Briefly describe a situation that couldallow that to happen.

2. Each year, all the ginkgo trees in an area drop their leavesat nearly the same time, a phenomenon called "The Night of theGinkgo". Give a plausible (not necessarily correct!), goodscientific hypothesis for this observation.

3. Many terrestrial mammals weigh much less than a pound, yetthe smallest fully marine mammal is the sea otter, which weighsover 30 lbs. as an adult. How might the surface area: volume ratiocontribute to the large size of marine mammals?

a. Animals with high SA:V ratios retain heat moreefficiently.
b. Animals with low SA:V ratio retain heat moreefficiently.
c. Animals with high SA:V ratios generate more heat via highermetabolisms.
d. Animals with low SA:V ratio are able to take more prey.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
30 Sep 2019
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