
Biology, the study of life, is a particularly exciting area ofscience because it is a point of convergence for information andtools from all of the natural sciences. Based on your knowledge ofbiology, indicate whether each of the following statements aboutliving systems is true or false.

1. Cells are composed of chemicals and both the structure andfunction of cells are regulated by the basic principles ofchemistry.

2. Scientists have successfully sequenced the entire genome ofhumans but have not yet sequenced the entire genome of any otherspecies.

3. Living systems are the most complex chemical systems onearth.

4. Living systems are governed by the same principles ofchemistry and physics that govern non-living systems

. 5. Living organisms contain unique chemical elements which arenot found in non-living systems.

6. An input of energy is required to maintain the complexity ofliving systems.

7. The energy conversions that take place in living systems aregoverned by the same laws of thermodynamics that govern non-livingsystems.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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