
3. Quinones are one type of molecule that bacteria use to communicate with one another. This paper describes an example of Streptococcus agalactiae switching metabolism from aerobic to anaerobic after quinone signaling. From what you know about biofilms, what type of metabolic shifts might be happening with quinone signaling? List 3 possible outcomes related to biofilm formation.

4. (4 points) What are short-chain fatty acids, and how do they differ from bacteriocins and quinones?

5. (5 points) Biofilms are formed in many different environments, with varying nutrient contents. As you read in the paper, biofilm formation can be triggered in low nutrient environments. In lab you tested the ability of your Pseudomonas soil isolate to form a biofilm in minimal media, but soils typically are considered nutrient rich. What are some other advantages of biofilm formation in soil? (Hint: think about the environmental conditions such as moisture, pH, temperature and how they may change).

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019
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