
1) A valuable tool for assessing the transcriptome (i.e., thegenes actively expressed in cells or tissues in response tospecific signals or environmental changes) is
a) DNA microarrays or DNA chips.
B) SNP analysis.
C) protein arrays.
D) All of the choices listed are correct.

2) Why is the eukaryotic proteome so much larger than the numberof genes found in an organism?

A) Proteins are large molecules.

B) Differential intron splicing can produce more than one proteinproduct from a gene, and proteins are further posttranslationallymodified.

C) Many proteins are made from mitochondrial DNA, and this is nottaken into account.

D) The statement is incorrect: the proteome is equal to the numberof genes.

3)The number of mRNA transcripts in a cell fluctuate over timeas the pattern of gene expression changes. These transcripts arecollectively referred to as

A)regulatory transcripts. B)the transcriptome. C)theexpresstome. D)the proteome.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019
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