
1. How does prenatal body weight influence theamount of weight a woman should gain during pregnancy?

2. At what week of gestation does the embryonicperiod begin? When does the fetal period begin? When is the mostlikely time a teratogen can do the most damage, during theembryonic or fetal period?

3. What risks are there to a baby if the mothergains too little weight during the pregnancy? What risks are thereto a baby if the mother gains too much weight during thepregnancy?

4. What is the relationship between mercury,fish and pregnancy?

5. What are some of the common gastrointestinaldistresses pregnant women experience? What remedies are availableto manage them?

6. What is fetal alcohol syndrome? How can itbe prevented? When can it be most accurately diagnosed?

7. How does the MyPlate food guidance systemsupport a healthy pregnancy?

8. Why is a prenatal dietary supplementrecommended throughout pregnancy?

9. What benefits are there to exercising duringpregnancy? How should exercise be modified during eachtrimester?

10. What is one of the best ways to trackgrowth in children? What are you looking for when you trackgrowth?

11. What benefits to the infant are provided bybreastfeeding?

12. What benefits to the mother are provided bybreastfeeding?

13. What nutrients are vital for supportingdental health in infants and children?

14. Although breast milk has advantages overformula, breastfeeding not recommend if the nursing mother haswhich conditions?

15. At what age is it safe to switch fromformula or breast milk to cow’s milk?

16. Which solid foods should be introducedfirst and at what age and why: cereals, vegetables, andfruits?

17. Do infants have the same AMDRs as adults?If not, how are they different? Is the grams/kg body weight forprotein higher or lower for an infant compared to a teenager oradult?

18. Does eating sugary foods lead tohyperactivity in children? If not, what does?

19. What is the division of responsibilitybetween caregivers and children for feeding?

20. How would you outline a healthy dailyschedule and meal/snack pattern to follow for a preschooler and aschool-aged child?

21. Can the MyPlate tool support childhoodnutrition? How? What other tools can be used?

22. What are the consequences of obesity inchildhood? How can childhood obesity be prevented?

23. How can food allergies be prevented andmanaged in childhood?

24. The rapid weight gains that girlsexperience during adolescence begin at what ages? Forboys?

25. Are the AMDR guidelines for adults the sameas for teenagers? What are these guidelines? (Percent calories fromfat? Carbohydrate? Protein?)

26. Why are calcium and iron the most importantminerals for teenagers? Does gender make a difference?

27. If teens are overweight and it isunrealistic to believe they will grow into their current weight?What rate of weight loss is recommended in terms of pound(s) perweek?

28. Describe the typical diets of teens thatsmoke?

29. What is the nutritional consequence alcoholfor teens?

30. Adolescences should be physically activefor how many minutes/day?

31. How does body composition change over theyears? Is there anything one can do to affect this change?

32. Does Basal metabolic rate increase ordecrease with age? Why? Will the elderly need more or fewercalories per kilo body weight than those who are middleaged?

33. Do the elderly need more or less fluid percalorie intake than younger adults? Why?

34. If an elderly person has osteoporosis, canhe or she do anything to improve this condition?

35. How can a poverty-stricken older adult beassured of eating healthy meals on a regular basis?

36. Why is exercise important for theelderly?

37. How many calories are there in a gram ofalcohol? Why does consuming 2 alcoholic drinks in a man has thesame physiological affect as one drink for a woman?

38. What practices will decrease the rate ofalcohol absorption into the blood?

39. Define moderate alcohol intake in terms ofdrinks per day for men and women and say how it relates to HDLcholesterol.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019
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