
1. preparing a fatty acid to be catabolized through beta oxidation involves all of these except:

A. expenditure of 2 ATP equivalents.

B. attachment to carnitine.

C. crossing from the matrix into the cytosol through a translocase.

D. attachment to Coenzyme A

2. Ketone body formation

A. produces a water-insoluble fuel for brain cells.

B. occurs only under starvation conditions.

C. takes place in the cytosol.

D. allows acetyl CoA to be made into net glucose.

E. is favored when the citric acid cycle is inhibited.

3. Which statement concerning fatty acid synthesis is false?

A. Fatty acid synthesis from acetyl CoA requires ATP hydrolysis.

B. Fatty acid synthesis requires acetyl CoA to leave the matrix in the form of citrate.

C. Fatty acid synthesis takes place on a multifunctional enzyme complex.

D. Fatty acid synthesis is regulated at the carnitine transporter.

4. Cholesterol is transported from peripheral tissues to the liver as

A. chylomicrons.


C. IDLs.

D. LDLs.

E. HDLs.


The most common route for a nitrogen atom removed from a branched amino acid in muscle tissue to formation of urea is

A. branched AA --> glutamate--> glutamine --> carbamoyl phosphate --> urea

B. branched AA --> alanine--> aspartate --> glutamine --> urea

C. branched AA --> aspartate--> alanine --> glutamate --> glutamine --> urea

D. branched AA à alanineà glutamate à carbamoyl phosphate à urea

E. branched AA à glutamateà arginine à carbamoyl phosphate à urea

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019
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