
Please, help me with the following questions on Chronic Diseases and Risks. No guess work, thank you!

QUESTION 1 Comorbidity refers to simultaneous occurance in a person of two ore more disorders; comorbid conditions can increase the risk of adverse outcomes True False

QUESTION 2 Emerging evidence supports starting promotion efforts during pregnancy and early childhood and continuing efforts throughout life lower exposures to major chronic disease risk factors True False

QUESTION 3 Increased cumulative exposure to risk factors over the lifecourse combined with social and economic inequalities, leads to the levels of inequalities seen in later adult life. True False

QUESTION 4 The "compression of morbidity" model proposes that morbidity due to aging cannot be postponed or mitigated by disease prevention programs True False

QUESTION 5 There are few significant funding sources for chronic diseases in low-and middle-income countries True False

QUESTION 6 To combat chronic diseases, modern, evidence-based interventions emphasize shared decision making and collaborative goal setting among providers and patients. True False

QUESTION 7 In the absence of legislative, financial and engineering approaches, health education programs often have a limited impact on preventing or reducing chronic diseases True False

QUESTION 8 It is estimated that deaths from diet-related chronic disease in China will triple between 1995 and 2025 True False

QUESTION 9 The third highest percent of global DALY's is attributed to which risk factor? a. Alcohol use b. Tobacco use c. Unsafe sex d. Childhood underweight

QUESTION 10 In the 1990's which country experienced a substantial decline in male life expectancy as a result of dramatic socio-political changes a. China b. Russia c. India d. Canada

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019
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