
1) A drop of urine would follow this path

a) renal pyramid/major calyx/minor calyx/renal pelvis/ureter

b) minor calyx/major calyx/renal pyramid/renal pelvis/ureter

c) renal pelvis/minor calyx/major calyx/renal pyramid/ureter

d) renal pyramid/minor calyx/major calyx/renal pelvis/ureter

2) The production of filtrate starts at

a) Loop of Henle

b) capsular space

c) distal convoluted tubule

d) proximal convoluted tubule

3) Major reabsorption of water happens by ____at the _____

a) contransport, distal convoluted tubules

b) Cl- shift, nephron loop

c) countercurrent, nephron loop

d) countercurrent, ureter

4) Angiotensin II causes production of ____to increase Na + reabsorption in the _________

a) renin; collecting duct

b) aldosterone; PCT

c) ADH; nephron loop

d) aldosterone; collecting duct

5) Most of the reabsorbed compounds from the filtrate end up in the

a) peritubular capillary

b) urine

c) nephron loop

d) DCT

6) Reabsorption of urea happens by

a) transcellular movement

b) by paracellular movement

c) by cotransport with glucose

d) by HCO3- movement

7) Transport Maximum, in urinary system terms, refers to

a) proteins performing ‘transport’ out of the filtrate at maximum rate

b) the reason why a diabetic produces large volumes of diluted urine

c) excess filtrate components being urinated out of the body

d) All choices are correct

8) Urine does not drop below pH 4.5 because

a) proteins that move H+ into filtrate stop working when too much H+ builds up in filtrate

b) proteins in urine neutralize acid

c) H+ are always buffered

d) the buffering system in urine does not run out

9) Hyperkalemia will

a) activate adrenal cells to secrete aldosterone

b) can stop the heart

c) No choices are correct

d) cause reduced excitability of neurons

e) All choices are correct

10)In your body, chloride (Cl-) can be found in its highest concentration in

a) extracellular fluid

b) intracellular fluid

c) Neither choice is correct

11) Diuretic abuse leads to

a) All choices are correct

b) two choices are correct

c) No choice is correct

d) dehydration

e) athletes being accused of doping

f) hypotonic hydration

12) Long diffusion distance, low blood pressure, and impaired circulation are the result of

a) hypernatremia

b) edema

c) hyperkalemia

d) water toxicity

13) In males FSH is under feedback control by _____ and is down regulated when _________reaches high concentrations

a) inhibin, testosterone/sperm #s

b) testosterone, inhibin/sustentocyte #s

c) ADH, inhibin/sustentocyte #s

d) LH, testosterone/sperm #s

14) Testosterone production is done by ____-cells

a) posterior pituitary

b ) interstitial endocrine

c) anterior pituitary

d) sustentocytes

15) Upon _____of estrogen/progesterone, the ____phase of the uterine cycle begins

a) increase; menstrual

b) decrease; menstrual

c) increase; proliferative

d) decrease; secretory

16) Progesterone

a) All choices are correct

b) is low in the luteal phase

c) No choices are correct

d) raises in the follicular phase

e) is high along with estrogen during the follicular phase

17) Which nephron is most responsible for urine concentration?

a) cortical nephrons

b) Juxtamedullary nephrons

c) Neither

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019
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