
All True orFalse

6.___ During the process of human fermentation the pyruvatemolecule produced at the end of glycolysis is converted into athree carbon molecule called ethyl alcohol while NAD+ is reduced toNADH and a CO2 molecule is released to the atmosphere.

7.___ The proton pumps of the inner membrane of themitochondrion are examples of integral transmembrane,active-transport carrier proteins.

8.___ Photosynthetic pigment molecules of plants are able torelease electrons to an ETC that are utilized to power the eventsof chemiosmosis.

9.__ Photoautotrophs (plants) use inorganic CO2 molecules astheir carbon source for building organic molecules and they usepigment molecules as their proximate source of electrons for theprocess of chemiosmosis.

10.__ The overall process of the TCA/CAC is exergonic with theproduction of ATP molecules and NADH/FADH2 all having stored energyderived from the reactants.

11.__ If a chemical reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme then thereactants will be able to initiate a chemical reaction withslightly more activation energy and the reaction would beclassified as an endergonic process if the products have lessenergy than the reactants.

12.__ The chemical reactions of glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle (TCAcycle), and oxidative phosphorylation, are all processes that canonly be performed when O2 is present (aerobic conditions).

13.___ Photophosphorylation is a type of chemiosmotic processand it possesses a key component of electron transport a finalelectron acceptor and in this case an organic molecule (FEA).

14.___ The pigment molecules, that make up a component of thechloroplasts of a plant, absorb light best in the green wavelengthsand that is why the plants appear so green.

15.___ Features in common for oxidative phosphorylation andphotophosphorylation are an electron source from dinucleotideelectron carrier molecules and an inorganic final electronacceptor.

16.___ In the metabolic pathways we discussed one would expectto find a number of points where allosteric enzymes are associatedwith positive feedback and/or negative feedback systems, and insome systems the allosteric enzyme is affected by both types ofregulatory molecules.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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