
In 2013 a complete skull in the country of Georgia wasdiscovered from the Early Pleistocene period (2.5-1 million yearsago). A description of the skull and its relevance to early humanevolution can be found here, and if you would like to read thecomplete article in Science, you may read it here.

In chapter 24, pages 504-505, different definitions of speciesare described. Based on the description of how the investigatorsare describing the species of the skull and others in the area,answer the questions below.

What information are the investigators using to define a speciesin this situation?

What species definition are the investigators using?

With these skulls, why or why not, is a Biological speciesconcept applicable?

What do you think is the most needed information to clarify thespecies of the early skulls discussed in this article? There aremany acceptable answers here, only provideone.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
29 Sep 2019

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