
15. While texting on your phone, the central nervous system directs your fingers by sending commands that are carried by_________________.

efferent neurons.

afferent neurons.

glial cells.

schwann cells.

None of the above

13. Energy can be harvested from the glucose molecule and generate ATP ONLY IF: (Select all that apply)

mitochondria are present within the cell

the cell has membrane proteins that can pump hydrogen ions (i.e., H+)

oxygen can accept electrons

the cell has enzymes that can catalyze reactions in glycolysis (i.e., PFK)

the cell can carry oxidation-reduction reactions

12. Marathon runners tend to do what is called "carbo loading" (that is, eat a lot of pasta) before their big race. Carbohydrates are source of energy because provide glucose to the cells. Why "carbo loading" is beneficial to the marathon runner?

The bonds in the carbohydrate/glucose have high potential energy

Through the process of anabolism the runner will break down the carbohydrate/glucose

The bonds in the carbohydrate/glucose have low potential energy making easily to chew

Makes the runner feel full for a longer period of time

9. Energy supports _____________________ to maintain homeostasis, which results in the well-being of the organism.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
29 Sep 2019
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