15 May 2018

1. What are the structural and functional units of a living organism? 2. What is the role of the cell membrane? 3. What is the cell membrane made of? 4. What does phospholipid bi-layer mean? 5. What are some functions of membrane proteins? 6. What are the two major groups of cell membrane proteins? How are they different? 7. Describe diffusion. 8. What does selectively permeable mean? 9. Does diffusion require energy from the cell? 10. What might restrict the movement of a molecule across a cell membrane? 11. In the video what are channel proteins are compared to? 12. What does gated channel mean? 13. Explain osmosis. 14. Explain isotonic. 15. Explain hypotonic. 16. Explain lysis of a cell. 17. Explain hypertonic. 18. How is facilitated diffusion different than regular diffusion? 19. Define active transport. 20. What does the sodium / potassium pump do for the cell?

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
17 May 2018
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