10 Apr 2019

What is an operon?

What is the evolutionary advantage of an operon?

What is the difference between a repressible operon and an inducible operon?

Describe the state of the corepressor for a trp operon that is not expressing the operon gene and a lac operon that is not expressing the operon gene.

What is cell differentiation?

Name three different levels of gene regulation in a multicellular eukaryotic organism.

What is gene regulation at the chromatin level? Give one example of how it can be carried out.

Control elements are a form of gene regulation found at what level of gene regulation?

Are there forms of RNA that can block translation? If so give an example.

What do master regulatory genes have to do with control elements?

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
12 Apr 2019
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