23 Nov 2019

* Determining the equivalent mass and dissociation constant of an unknown weak acid by titrimetry

suppose that a student doing this experment failed to dry the KHP before using it to standarize the NaOH solution

1) would her calculated molarity of the NaOH solution probably be too high or too low? briefly explain

2) How would the error you described in (1) affect the calculated equivalent mass of the unknown acid? briefly explain

3) How would the error you described in (1) affect the calculated Ka of the unknown acid? briefly explain

Suppose that a stuent peforming this experiment mistakenly calibrated the PH meter using PH6 buffer, instead of PH7 buffer. as a result, all PH meter readings were too low.

1) Would this procedural error have affected the calculated equivalent mass of the unknown aid? briefly explain

2) Would this procedural error have affected the experimentally determined PKa of the unknown acid? briefly explain

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
18 Jun 2019

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