26 Nov 2019

Which of the following is true of a cation?
A) it has equal numbers of protons and electrons
B) it has fewer protons than electrons
C) it has more protons than electrons
D) the relationship between protons and electrons depends on thespecific cation
Which is most likely true for an atom with six valenceelectrons?
A) it will gain one electron
B) it will gain two electrons
C) it will lose one electron
D) it will lose two electrons
Which is most likely true for an atom with one valenceelectron?
A) it will gain one electron
B) it will gain two electrons
C) it will lose one electron
D) it will lose two electrons
Which of the following atoms is least likely to form an ion?
A) fluorine
B) magnesium
C) silicon
D) sodium
For which of the following atoms do we not try to apply the octetrule?
A) oxygen
B) nickel
C) sodium
D) xenon
Which of the following is likely to form an ion with the largestpositive charge?
A) potassium
B) calcium
C) aluminum
D) silicon
Which of the following is likely to form an ion with the mostnegative charge?
A) aluminum
B) sulfur
C) chlorine
D) argon
Which of the following ions has the same electronic configurationas neon?
A) Mg2+
B) F -
C) both (a) and (b)
D) neither (a) nor (b)
What is the name of the species formed when a sodium atom loses anelectron?
A) sodate
B) sodide
C) sodium
D) sodium ion
What is the name of the species formed when a bromine atom gains anelectron?
A) bromate
B) bromide
C) bromine
D) bromine ion
Which of the following endings is generally associated with amonatomic anion?
A) ...ade
B) ...ate
C) ...ic
D) ...ide
If the name of an ion ends in "ate" what type of ion is it mostlikely to be?
A) a monatomic anion
B) a monatomic cation
C) a polyatomic anion
D) a polyatomic cation
The preferred name for HSO4- is hydrogen sulfate. What is thecommon name for this ion?
A) bisulfate
B) disulfate
C) bisulfide
D) disulfide
Which pair of species is most likely to form an ionic bond?
A) two electrically neutral species
B) two electrically charged species, one positive and onenegative
C) two negatively charged species
D) two positively charged species
Which of the following situations is most likely to result information of a covalent bond?
A) when an electrically positive species interacts with anelectrically negative species
B) when two nonmetallic elements interact to form a compound
C) when two electrically negative species interact
D) when two electrically positive species interact
Which of the following statements is generally true aboutelectronegativity?
A) electronegativity decreases as we move left to right anddecreases as we move top to bottom
B) electronegativity decreases as we move left to right andincreases as we move top to bottom
C) electronegativity increases as we move left to right anddecreases as we move top to bottom
D) electronegativity increases as we move left to right andincreases as we move top to bottom
For which of the following pairs are the atoms most likely to forman ionic bond with each other?
A) carbon and oxygen
B) calcium and chlorine
C) chlorine and oxygen
D) sodium and magnesium
What is the formula of the compound formed by magnesium andiodine?
A) MgI
B) MgI2
C) MgI3
D) Mg2I
What is the formula of the compound formed between the ammonium ionand the carbonate ion?
B) NH4(CO3)2
C) (NH4)2CO3
D) (NH4)3CO3
What is the formula of the compound formed between the magnesiumion and the acetate ion?
A) MgC2H3O2
B) Mg2C2H3O2
C) Mg(C2H3O2)2
D) Mg(C2H3O2)3
What is the correct name for KI?
A) monopotassium monoiodide
B) potassium iodine
C) potassium iodide
D) potassium ion iodine ion
A compound used to treat manic depressives has the formula Li2CO3.Which of the following is the correct name for this compound?
A) dilithium carbonate
B) lithium carbon trioxide
C) lithium carbonate
D) lithium carboxide
Which of the following bonds is the most polar?
A) H__F
B) H__Cl
C) H__Br
D) H__I
How many electrons are associated with a double bond?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 6
How many bonds does a carbon atom typically form?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
Laughing gas, sometimes called nitrous oxide, has the formula N2O.What is the proper chemical name for nitrous oxide?
A) nitrogen oxide
B) nitrogen dioxide
C) dinitrogen oxide
D) dinitrogen oxygen
Which of the following is the correct formula for dinitrogenpentoxide?
A) O2N5
B) O5N2
C) N2O5
D) N5O2
What is the proper chemical name for water?
A) dihydrogen oxide
B) dihydrogen oxygen
C) hydrogen oxide
D) hydrogen oxygen
To use the VSEPR model to determine the geometry of a molecule weneed to know which of the following?
A) the number of atoms in the molecule
B) the number of atoms bonded to the central atom
C) the number of lone pairs around the central atom
D) both (b) and (c)
What bond angle is most closely associated with a tetrahedraldistribution of electron density?
A) 90o
B) 109.5o
C) 120o
D) 180o
What bond angle is most closely associated with a trigonal planardistribution of electron density?
A) 90o
B) 109.5o
C) 120o
D) 180o
What bond angle is most closely associated with a lineardistribution of electron density?
A) 90o
B) 109.5o
C) 120o
D) 180o
Which of the following molecules is best described as having anearly tetrahedral distribution of electron density?
A) BeCl2
B) OF2
C) SnCl2
D) none of these
In which of the following molecules does the carbon atom have alinear distribution of electron density?
A) C2H2
B) C2H4
C) C2H6
D) none of these
Which of the following is true for the molecule O=C=S?
A) it is nonpolar because it contains only double bonds
B) it is polar because the polarities of the O=C and C=S do notcancel
C) it is polar because it has a bent shape
D) it is nonpolar because it is linear

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
13 Feb 2019

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