28 Nov 2019

4. (20 pts, 2 pts each) Multiple choice questions from chapter 7.Place the letter representing the
correct response in the blank provided.
_____ Which of the following do not exist under normal conditionsas a diatomic gas?
(A) hydrogen, (B) oxygen, (C) fluorine, (D) chlorine, (E)bromine
_____ In nature, the noble gases exist as
(A) monatomic gaseous atoms, (B) the gaseous fluorides, (C) solidsin minerals,
(D) alkali metal salts, (E) the sulfides
_____ Of the elements below, _____ has the highest electronaffinity.
(A) oxygen, (B) sodium, (C) fluorine, (D) hydrogen, (E)chlorine
_____ Of the following elements, which has the largest firstionization energy?
(A) Se, (B) As, (C) S, (D) Sb, (E) Ge
_____ Of the hydrogen halides, only _____ is a weak acid.
(A) HCl (aq), (B) HBr (aq), (C) HF (aq), (D) HI (aq), (E) all ofthem
_____ The carbonate of which alkali metal is used in treatment ofmanic-depressive illness?
(A) Li, (B) Na, (C) K, (D) Rb, (E) Cs
_____ The reaction of a metal with a nonmetal produces a(n)
(A) base, (B) salt, (C) acid, (D) oxide, (E) hydroxide
_____ Which element is solid at room temperature?
(A) Cl2, (B) F2, (C) Br2, (D) I2, (E) H2
_____ Which of the following correctly lists the five atoms inorder of increasing size (smallest to
largest)?_(A) F < K < Ge < Br < Rb, (B) F < Ge <Br < K < Rb,
(C) F < K < Br < Ge < Rb, (D) F < Br < Ge < K< Rb, (E) F < Br < Ge < Rb < K
_____ Which one of the following is a metalloid?
(A) Ge, (B) S, (C) Br, (D) Pb, (E) C
5. (20 pts, 2 pts each) Multiple choice questions from chapter 8.Place the letter representing the
correct response in the blank provided.
_____ Which of the following ions does not have a noble-gasconfiguration?
(A) V5+ (B) Si4+ (C) Nb3+ (D) S2– (E) Os8+
_____ Which of the following is correctly arranged with respect tothe size of the atom/ion?
(A) S < S1– < S2– (B) Mg2+ < Na+ < Ne (C) Ni < Cu+< Zn2+
_____ What type of covalent bond between like atoms is thelongest?
(A) triple (B) double (C) single (D) They are all the samelength.
_____ Arrange the following in order of increasing bond polarity:C-O, P-O, Cu-O, Mn-O
(A) C-O < P-O < Cu-O < Mn-O (B) C-O < P-O < Mn-O< Cu-O
(C) Mn-O < Cu-O < P-O < C-O (D) P-O < C-O < Cu-O< Mn-O
_____ Write a single Lewis structure that obeys the octet rule, andcalculate the formal charges on
all the atoms in PO4
(A) P 2+, O 1– (B) P 1+, O 1– (C) P 4+, O 2– (D) P 2+, O 2– (E) P1+, O 2–
_____ The Lewis structure of InBr3 contains how many valenceelectrons?
(A) 24 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 3 (E) 34
_____ Using Lewis structures that satisfy the octet rule, determinethe number of bonds formed by
the central element in each of the following: SiO4
4–, PO4
3–, SO4
2–, ClO4
(A) 4, 5, 6, 7 (B) 2, 3.5, 5, 6.5 (C) 4, 5, 5, 6 (D) 4, 4, 4, 4 (E)5, 6, 7, 8
_____ The Lewis electron-dot structure of IF5 gives the centralI
(A) an octet (B) 5 nonbonding pairs and 1 bonding pair (C) 5bonding pairs only
(D) 1 nonbonding pairs and 5 bonding pairs (E) 1 nonbonding pairand 4 bonding pairs
_____ In the thiocyanate anion, (SCN)–, which of the following isnot an accepted multiplicity for
the sulfur-carbon bond and the carbon-nitrogen bond,respectively?
(A) single, single (B) double, double (C) single, triple (D)triple, single
_____ Which of these ions (oxidation states) does not have anoble-gas configuration?
(A) Cr3+ (B) Cr with an oxidation state of 6+ (as in CrO4
(C) S with an oxidation state of 6+ (as in SO4
2–) (D) S2– (E) Hf 4+

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
29 Apr 2019
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