12 Dec 2019

Part B

Sometimes, however, proteins denature as temperature is decreased. How might this be explained?

Check all that apply.

In cases of cold denaturation, the sign on ΔS is dominated by the hydrophobic effect and is therefore positive.
In these cases, ΔH must be negative for the process to become favorable as temperature decreases.
In cases of cold denaturation, the sign on ΔS is dominated by the hydrophobic effect and is therefore negative.
In these cases, ΔH must be positive for the process to become favorable as temperature decreases.
Clathrate cage formation would account for the sign of ΔH being negative (favorable) for cold denaturation.
Clathrate cage formation would account for the sign of ΔH being positive (favorable) for cold denaturation.

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
13 Dec 2019

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