12 Dec 2019

1) Classify each of the following as a mixture, a compound, or an element?

table sugar, propane, bronze, tea, vinegar, dry ice, oxygen, aluminum

2) Select the statements that pertain to elements. Select all the statements that apply.
a) These can be broken down by physical means.
b) These cannot be broken down by chemical means.
c) These combine chemically to form new substances; they are building blocks of matter.
d) These are chemical combinations of simpler forms of matter.
e) These are pure substances.

3) Which of the following are chemical changes? Check all that apply.
a) sugar is dissolved in water
b) a warm coke bottle fizzes when opened
c) the copper roof turns green over time
d) baking soda is dissolved in vinegar and bubbles appear
e) a fog appears on your windshield in cold weather

4) Classify each property as physical or chemical.

a)susceptibility to rust

b) flammability

c) boiling point

d) melting point

e) conductivity

f) color

5) Which of these substances are elements? Check all that apply.

a) silicon

b) iodine

c) lead

d) quartz

e) silicone

f) water

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
13 Dec 2019

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