13 Dec 2019

Lab 3: The Acid Value of a Fat.

I'm not asking anyone to write my lab report, but I have a terrible teacher that literally gave us nothing but a protocol on how to do the lab with no background information. I just want some helpful answers please.

The fats that we used were: fresh olive oil, fresh vegetable oil, fresh butter, used olive oil, used vegetable oil, and old butter.

The lab write up questions are:

1) Write an introduction that includes the:

a) Purpose of the lab, reagents used, and your theories about which “fat” will have the highest acid value.

b) Explain what a “high acid value” means. Explain why you need a mixture of ethanol/ether to dissolve the “fat”.

I know the purpose. The reagents we used were 0.1M KOH, 50:50 v/v ethanol and diethyl ether, and phenolphthalein.

Why did we use 50:50 v/v ethanol and diethyl ether?

What's a good theorie on which oil will have the highest acid value and why?

2) Conclusions: Your report should contain:

a) Explain how the acid value would be affected (either too high, too low, or unable to determine) if a group made the following errors:

i) They added too much KOH.

ii) They used a sample without phenolphthalein.

iii) There was no stir bar in the flask.

iv) The fat sample was not fully dissolved.

v) The “fat solvent” was not neutralized before adding the “fat”.

b) Based on the results of this experiment, which sample(s) would you refrigerate?

c) Were you surprised by any of the results? If so, explain.

d) Do you believe any groups from 2017 made an error? If so, explain.

e) List two other “fats” we could have used.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
17 Dec 2019

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