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Pricing and Advertising

2. A monopoly sells in two countries, and resale between the countries is impossible. The demand curves in the two countries are P1=100-Q1 and P2=120-2Q2. The monopoly’s marginal cost is m=30. Solve for the equilibrium price in each country.

3. Suppose that the nonlinear price discriminating monopoly in panel a of figure 12.4 can set three prices, depending on the quantity a consumer purchases. The firm’s profit is

Î =P1Q1+P2(Q2-Q1)+P3(Q3-Q2)-mQ3

Where P1 is the high price charged on the first Q1 units (first block), p2 is a lower price charged on the next Q2-Q1 units, p3 is the lowest price charged on the Q3-Q2 remaining units, Q3 is the total number of units actually purchased, and m=$30 is the firm’s constant marginal and average cost. Use calculus to determine the profit maximizing p1,p2, and p3.

4. The demand a monopoly faces is p=100-Q+A^0.5

Where Q is its quantity, p is its price, and A is its level of advertising. Its marginal cost of production is 10, and its cost of a unit of advertising is 1. What is the firm’s profit equation? Solve for the firm’s profit maximizing price, quantity, and level of advertising.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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