
113. A production possibilities frontier shows the
A) the maximum attainable combinations of two goods that can beproduced with the available resources.
B) combinations of two goods that consumers desire most.
C)maximum output of two goods that can be produced with an unlimitedquantity of resources.
D) demand for two goods.

114. Being on the production possibilities frontier implies thatmore of one good can be produced only by
A) decreasing the quantity of the other good produced.
B)increasing the quantity of the other good produced.
C) lowering the price of the good.
D) raising the price of the good.
E) None Of The Above

116. An output combinationis technically efficient if
A) it is possible to produce more of all goods.
B) it is possible toproduce more of one good without producing less ofanother.
C) it is not possible to produce more of one good without producingless of another.
D) it is not possible to produce more of one good at any cost.

117. Suppose in an economysome resources are not utilized in their most productive use. Ifsociety decides that it wants more of onegood,
A) it will have to increase the quantity of resources in theeconomy.
B) it will have to give up production and consumption of some othergood.
C) it can only do so iftechnology advances.
D) it can achieve this without giving up another good by employingthe under-utilized resources. E) None Of TheAbove

118. In the productionpossibilities frontier framework, unemployment is representedby
A) an inward shift of thecurve.
B) a point located inside the curve.
C) a point located outside the curve.
D) a point located on the curve

119. Which of the followingwould not shift a nation's production possibilities frontier?
A) a liberal immigrationpolicy that welcomes foreign labor
B) an increase in a nation's capital stock
C) discovery of oil, a vital input in the production process
D) an increase in the general price level.

132. If the price of SUVswere to increase, we would expect:
A) the demand for gasoline to increase.
B) the demand for gasoline to decrease.
C) the supply of gasoline to increase.
D) the supply of gasoline to decrease.
E) both B and D to occur.

E) None Of TheAbove

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28 Sep 2019

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