
United KingdomSupermarkets
In October 2000 the competition Commission reported on the supplyofgroceries from supermarkets in the United Kingdom. It containedthefollowing information.

- the prices of groceriesin the UK tended to be higher than inother European countries.
- there was a clear difference between farm gate prices andtheretail prices of the groceries sold in the supermarkets
-there was an overall decline of 9.4% in the real price of foodfrom1989 to 1998.
-supermarkets face high competition from small grocery storesascustomers are tied to shops closest to their homes (not morethan15 minutes away) to do their main weekly shopping.
-however some large supermarkets were able to price theirproductsmuch lower than small grocery shops due to their long runaveragecosts.
-supermarkets also varied their prices in differentgeographicallocations.

a) using demand and supplyanalysis identify one reason forgrocery prices being higher in UKcompared to other Europeancountries.
b) from the information given,was it cheaper to purchase foodin1998 than in 1989?
c)why are large supermarkets able to price their products muchlowerthan small firms?
d)discuss whether it can be concluded from the passagethatsupermarkets were maximizing profits.

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Kelleb Mloyi
Kelleb MloyiLv2
28 Sep 2019

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