
1- All of the following statements apply to a purely competitive market in the long run, except:

A- In the long run, all inputs are variable in quantity.

B- Firms can expand their plant capacities in the long run.

C- Total fixed costs remain constant even when output expands in the long run.

D- Firms may enter or leave the industry in the long run.

2- Which of the following is true of normal profits?

A- They are necessary to keep a firm in the industry in the long run

B- They are zero under pure competition in the long run

C- They are excluded from a firm's costs of production

D- They are what attract other firms to enter an industry

3- -The long-run supply curve would be perfectly elastic when:

A- An increase in demand does not cause a change in product price

B- An increase in demand causes an increase in product price

C- A decrease in demand causes an increase in short-run supply

D- A decrease in demand causes an increase in product price

4- What happens in a decreasing-cost industry when some firms leave and the industry's output contracts?

A- The average cost will increase

B- The average cost will decrease

D- The total cost will decrease

C- The product price will decrease

5- Which of the following statements about a competitive firm is correct?

A-To maximize profits a competitive firm should produce at that output at which total revenue is greatest

B- In long-run equilibrium a competitive firm will produce at the point of minimum average costs

C- A competitive firm will produce in the short run so long as total receipts are sufficient to cover total fixed costs

D-A competitive firm will close down in the short run whenever price is less than the minimum attainable average total cost

6- When there is allocative efficiency in a purely competitive market for a product, the minimum price producers are willing to accept is:

A- Less than marginal benefit

B- Greater than marginal cost

C- Equal to the amount of efficiency or deadweight losses

D- Equal to the maximum price consumers are willing to pay

7- A patent is the legal right granted to a firm that allows it to:

A- Make copies of other firm's products

B- Be the sole buyer of a particular product or resource

C- Sell its new product exclusively for a set number of years

D- Be the exclusive distributor of a particular imported product

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Paramjeet Chawla
Paramjeet ChawlaLv8
28 Sep 2019

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