
1. The law of comparative advantage says that:

A. whoever has an absolute advantage in producing a good also has a comparative advantage in producing that good.

B. whoever has a comparative advantage in producing a good also has an absolute advantage in producing that good

C. the individual with the lowest opportunity cost of producing a particular good should produce it

D. comparative advantage exists only when one person has an absolute advantage in the production of two goods

2. A country has an absolute advantage in the production of a good if that country:

A. can produce good using fewer resources than another country would require

B. has the lowest opportunity cost of producing the good, regardless of whether it is produced with the fewest resources

C. has the greatest opportunity cost of producing the good, regardless of whether it is produced with the fewest resources

D. has the lowest opportunity cost of producing the good and can produce it with the fewest resources

3. A production possibilities frontier can shift outward for all of the following reasons except:

A. a larger workforce

B. a decrease in the size of the labor force

C. an increase in the skills of the labor force

D. an improvement in technology

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019
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