
1. A federal agency which aims at preventing persons or corporations from using unfair methods of competition in commerce is:
A. the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
B. the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
C. the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
D. the Bureau of Consumer Protection.
2. With regard to age segmentation, the tween and teenage cohort following the Millennials is sometimes called _____.
A. Generation X
B. the Baby Boomer generation
C. Generation Z
D. the Silent Generation
3. _____ is market segmentation on the basis of personality, motives, and lifestyles.
A. Family life cycle segmentation
B. Usage-rate segmentation
C. Psychographic segmentation
D. Benefit segmentation
4. Gamers’ Page is a magazine that primarily caters to people who are enthusiastic about sports and who enjoy gaming. In this scenario, the editorial board of Gamers’ Pageuses _____.
A. gender segmentation
B. geographic segmentation
C. psychographic segmentation
D. family life cycle segmentation
5. The combination of demographics, lifestyles, and geographic categories leads to ______________.
A. geodemographic segmentation
B. benefit segmentation
C. usage-rate segmentation
D. psychographic segmentation

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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