
Microeconomics Four-part multiple choice question with an explanation. Give a short explanation for each part regarding how your answer is computed or why your answer is correct.

Part A.

Para mi volunteers at a homeless shelter. It takes a lot of her time, and thus she sometimes takes off time from her job to do the volunteer work. Parami's behavior can be explained by:




a framing bias.




overvaluing the present relative to the future.

Part B.

Indifference curves cannot be concave to the origin because:


consumers generally will prefer to have more of a good than less of a good.


the satisfaction consumers get from consuming additional units of a good decline.


the substitution effect holds across indifference curves.


consumers must give up more of one good to obtain more of another good.

Part C.

Marginal utility analysis and indifference curve analysis are both used to:


compute comparative advantage.


derive supply curves.


derive demand curves.


analyze the total revenue.

Part D.

Indifference curves:


represent a set of product bundles to which a consumer is indifferent.


slope up and to the right.


show the difference between the marginal utilities of two different goods.


are concave to the origin.

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
29 Sep 2019
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