
A. Match the correct motive (Precautionary Demand for money / Speculative Demand for money / Transactional Demand for Money) for holding money to the following definitions:

1. The stock of money people hold to take advantage of future changes in the prices of financial assets other than money.

2. The stock of money people hold to pay unpredictable expenses.

3. The stock of money people hold to pay everyday predictable expenses.


B. Identify the motive for holding money in the following scenario:

Musashi moves to a smaller apartment. Because of the lower monthly rent, he places a larger share of funds from his paycheck in a retirement fund and a smaller share in his savings account. This is an example of a decrease in Musashi's ____________________ demand for money.

C. Complete the following statement about the relationship between the interest rate and speculative balances.

As the interest rate rises, the opportunity cost of holding money _______________  and people ______________ their speculative balances. 

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Divya Singh
Divya SinghLv10
22 Dec 2020
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