21 Feb 2018

Please only anwer the Following question:

Question :focus in on one of the main concepts covered (e.g., scarcity, ceterus pariubus, association vs. causation, opportunity cost, marginal analysis, etc.), define it in your own words, and provide an example. Discuss why you think this is an important aspect in the study of economics.


Scarcity is a situation where the availability of resources at our disposal is less then the needs of society.since human wants are unlimited and resources are limited therefore it gives rise to a problem of choice.

Example the oil resources are scarce in relation to Wants .

This is important in decision analysis of any economic problem as without it we are unable to judge which good to produce and sell in market.

Following question:

Can you comment on what you see as the relationship between scarcity, opportunity cost and trade off?

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
22 Feb 2018

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