
Please take a look below at the two companies' financial ratios.Identify the industries these two companies operate in. Pleaseinclude good quality analysis and arguments (e.g. this ratioindicates that... and that ratio indicates the other,... and takentogether these ratios indicate that.... (and so forth)) :

Company A Company B

P/E Ratio: 30

Price/Sales: 6

Price/Book Value of Equity: 7.5

Profit Margin: 20%

Operating Margin: 25%

Return on Assets (ROA): 6%

Return On Equity (ROE): 25%

Current Ratio: 3

P/E Ratio: 17

Price/Sales: 0.6

Price/Book Value of Equity: 3

Profit Margin: 3%

Operating Margin: 5%

Return on Assets (ROA): 7%

Return On Equity (ROE): 15%

Current Ratio: 1

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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