20 Oct 2018

Here is your first question:

Explain what current assets and fixed assets are and give as many examples as you can for each. What is the difference between tangible and intangible assets?

Liabilities and owner's equity are listed on the right-hand side respectively. Liabilities are also classified as current liabilities and long-term liabilities.

Here is your second question:

Explain what current liabilities differ from long-term liabilities and give as many examples as you can for each.

Owner's equity (also known as shareholders' equity, common equity) is the difference between total value of assets and total value of liabilities. That is, if you were to use your assets to pay off the debts, whatever is left over (the residual) would belong to shareholders. That is why they are known as residual claimants. Hence we have the identity;

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders' equity

Net working capital is simply equal to current assets minus current liabilities. When net working capital is positive, it means cash that will be available over the next 12 months exceeds what must be paid. It is important for a healthy firm to have positive net working capital.

Here is your third question:

A firm has current assets of $100, net fixed assets of $500, short-term debt of $70 and long-term debt of $200. What is shareholders' equity. Construct a balance sheet

for this company. Is net working capital positive or negative? If so by how much? (Hint: You may utilize Example 2.1 on page 24 of the textbook).

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
22 Oct 2018

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