23 Nov 2019

Two slits are 0.158 mm apart. A mixture of red light (wavelength=665 nm) and yellow-green light (wavelength = 565 nm) falls ontheslits. A flat observation screen is located 2.24 m away. Whatisthe distance on the screen between the third-order red fringeandthird-order yellow-green fringe?

a) What, if any, phase change occurs when light, traveling inair,reflects from the interface between the air and a soap film (n=1.33)?
b) What, if any, phase change occurs when light, traveling in asoapfilm, reflects from the interface between the soap film and aglassplate (n = 1.52)?
c) Is the wavelength of the light in a soap film greaterthan,smaller than, or equal to the wavelength in a vacuum?
d) A soap film (n = 1.33) is 465 nm thick and lies on a glassplate(n = 1.52). Sunlight, whose wavelengths (in vacuum) extendfrom 380to 750 nm, travels through the air and strikes thefilmperpendicularly. For which wavelength(s) in this rangedoesdestructive interference cause the film to look dark inreflectedlight?

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
14 Apr 2019

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