23 Nov 2019

You have a car traveling on a circular track of radius r and avelocity v. The
track is banked at an inclination of angle . The coefficient ofstatic friction
is µs. Gravity is 10m
s2 . In each of the following 5 situations, does the car:
• A. Fly off the top of the track.
• B. Slide down and off the bottom of the track.
• C. None of the above.

1. = 45?, r = 1000m, v = 90m
s , µs = 0.5
2. = 20?, r = 1000m, v = 90m
s , µs = 0.2
3. = 70?, r = 800m, v = 200m
s , µs = 0.7
4. = 30?, r = 800m, v = 5m
s , µs = 0.3
5. = 30?, r = 800m, v = 78m
s , µs = 0.3

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