23 Nov 2019

A person driving her car at 40 km/h approaches an intersection justas the traffic light turns yellow. She knows that the yellow lightlasts only 2.0 s before turning to red, and she is 30 m away fromthe near side of the intersection (Fig. 2-29). The intersection is15 m wide. Her car's maximum deceleration is -5.0 m/s2, whereas itcan accelerate from 40 km/h to 70 km/h in 9.0 s. Ignore the lengthof her car and her reaction time.

Figure 2-29
If she hits the brakes, how far will she travel beforestopping?
20.28 m
If she hits the gas instead, how far will she travel before thelight turns red?
Should she try to stop, or should she speed up to cross theintersection before the light turns red?
speed up

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
17 Jan 2019

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