26 Nov 2019

You have been asked to make a thermometer, given a glass tubewith some mercury inside. (There is nothing else in the tube, noteven air.) At 0 C, the mercury just fills the bulb at one end ofthe thermometer, whose volume is 8mm^3. You make a mark at the topof the bulb indicating 0 C. At a higher temperature, the mercuryrises through the tube.
a) The coefficient of volume expansion of mercury isBeta=1.82X10^-4 (C)^-1. The hollow part of the thermometer, asidefrom the bulb at the end, is a cylinder with radius r=0.0250mm.Note that the volume of a cylinder with height h and r is (pi)r^2h.How far from the 0 degree mark should marks be made to indicate 1C, 2 C, etc up to 100 C? You can ignore the thermal expansion ofthe glass tube.
b) The coefficient of linear expansion of glass is alpha=9.00X 10^-6 (C)^-1. iF the length of the thermometer of 0 C is 110mm,what is the length at 100 C. Was it appropriate to neglect theexpansion of the glass? Explain why or why not.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
16 Jan 2019

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