
In the figure shown below there are 125 ft of 2 -in pipe, 75ft of 6 -in pipe, and 150 \mathrm{ft} of 3 -in pipe, all cast iron. There are two 90 elbows and an open globe valve, all flanged. If the exit elevation is zero and the elevation at A is 100 ft, what horsepower is extracted by the turbine when the flow rate is 0.16 of water at ? For water at , take and slug/ft.s. For cast iron, . For Re=113500,37800, and 75600 , take f 0.0314,0.0266, and 0.0287 respectively.

The minor loss coefficients are as follows:
sharp 2" entrance: K=0.5; two 2" 90 elbows: K=2(0.39)
2" sudden expansion: K 0.79 ; 3" open globe valve: K 8.5
The power extracted from the turbine is ____ hp.


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