
  1. Given the set of data, which of the following best describes the language?
    1. Agglutinating
    2. Fusional
    3. Isolating
    4. Polysynthetic


(a) Tarahumara (Uto-Aztecan, 100 000 speakers, Mexico)

ba’wí bahí-n-ti-ri-ni

water drink-desiderative-causative-PST.PASS.-1stSG.NOM.

‘They made me want to drink water’


(b) Maori (Austronesian, 50 000 speakers, New Zealand)

ka whakahoki a Anthony ite hii ika a ia

PST. reply SPEC. Anthony PST. catch fish SPEC. he

‘Anthony replied that he had caught fish’


(c) Scottish Gaelic (Indo-European, 50 000 speakers, UK)

tha mi a’ sireadh an leabhair bhig ghuirm

be-PRES.-IND. I PROG. search-VN. the book-GEN.SG. small-GEN.SG. blue-GEN.SG.

‘I am searching for the small blue book’

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