NEUR3112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Axon Terminal, Nociceptor, Pseudounipolar Neuron

49 views17 pages
12 Jan 2020

Document Summary

"touching is believing" -> something fundamentally different about the touch sensation. Have to feel the keys in your pocket, hearing them isn"t enough. Embraces several distinct sensations -> touch, warmth, cold, pain. Each of these also has subdivisions -> touch: pressure, vibration, light touch. Cell body is located in the dorsal root ganglion (not in the cns) -> outside sc. Morphology is pseudo-unipolar, with a branched axon projecting to the periphery and into the cns (spinal cord) Axon (which is kind of like an axon/dendrite) which received information in the periphery, and projects into the cns. Many nerve terminal have specialised endings -> named after the anatomists who discovered them. Association between receptor morphology and response properties -> discovered by gruesome experiments involving stimulating with a stimuli, then cutting out skin to identify receptor. Receptors for heat, cold and the various pain modalities do not have a specialised ending -> called free/bare nerve endings.