NEUR3112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chemical Potential, Apical Dendrite, Atmospheric Pressure

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12 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Grain modulation -> sensory prioritisation and temporal cuing. When the radio signal is bad -> increase volume. Even though background noise is also louder, it might help you distinguish the actual message as well. The attention modulation -> the situation the rat is in should control the modularity. If it can"t see anything, it might rely on the whisker vibration detection to know where a predator is. If there was a bird flying overhead, it might rely more on the visual system. Experiment -> gave a rat difficult to detect tactile and visual signals. So essentially made the senses "compete" for modality. Changed the ratio of tactile to visual stimulation -> which ever was more highly represented in the trail, its system was prioritised. In the whisker session -> less of the vibration stimuli were missed, more of the visual stimuli were missed. When in time you need to prioritise processing -> can"t do high level processing all the time.