HSH205- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Epidemiology is concerned with the collective health of people in a community or an area, rather than individuals and it provides data for directing public health and health promotion action. There are 6 main areas where epidemiology contributes to public health and health promotion: determining the extent of ill health or disease in the community. Identifying the cause of ill health and the risk factors for disease. Studying the natural history and prognosis of ill health. Evaluating existing and new preventive and therapeutic programs and services. Providing the foundation for developing public policy and regulation. Often privies clues as to the determinants (causes or risk factors) of any health state or event. Descriptive epidemiology: focuses on describing health states and events and their distribution: person: counting the number of persons involved. Calculation of risks, age, sex, socio-economic area and health related behaviours: place: geographic distribution of a condition. Places may include place of residence, school, workplaces or birthplace.