PSYC1001 Final: Developmental Psychology

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4 Aug 2018
PSYC 1001
Issues and methods in developmental psychology
What is devel.?
Process of going from a child adult
Change over time
What develops?
- self awareness
- physical devel.
- motor devel.
- sexual devel.
- communication
- social / emotional understanding
- personality
** different domains of development
What are the characteristics of devel. change??
- orderly
- goes in a path able to do higher order things
- cumulative add on skills
- directional become more sophisticated
Why study devel?
Basic science:
- understand brain processes / thoughts / behav
- not as complex when young
study to help understand adult thoughts
Applied science
- how to deal w/ children
- policy devel.
- research into decisions about premature birth
- big implications for society
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PSYC 1001
Issues in devel. psych.
1. Nature vs Nurture
What causes devel change?
Parents bio + envir grown up in
**Bio vs experience
**Genes vs envir
Biological view:
- devel is simply maturation
- genetically determined process of growth that unfolds naturally over a
period of time
- genetic predisposition ??
- envir. makes little diff.
Envir. view:
- envir. shapes the course of a childs devel.
- genetics / bio place no restrictions on how a child devel.
- engagement in childhood activities
- given right experience = any child thrive
So which view is right?
Neither both are incorrect / correct
How can gene expression be altered by envir?
Devel. proceeds as an INTERACTION of bio + envir. factors
2. Early experience vs Later experience
To what extent does early experience shape later experience??
To what degree + under what cond. does experience influence devel??
Critical or sensitive periods of devel:
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PSYC 1001
Timing of experience:
Critical Periods
- period of time during devel. when certain experiences are crucial for a
particular feature of devel to emerge
- not as strong w/ human as w/ animals
- remarkably flexible
- devel. brain sensitive to language skills
- most constructs are determined by sensitive periods
- both early + late devel essential
Sensitive Periods:
- period of time during which experience is optimal for devel. of particular
BUT not critical
- similar function can devel after sensitive period window has closed
-- but usually under more intense experience
3. Continuity vs discontinuity
Gradually gain skills?
Or stages of devel?
Nature of devel. change
Know it is a given improves w/ age
Change is gradual / uniform
Change is quantitative
- quantity of amount of skill / behav
e.g. Rovee Colliers theory of infant
memory devel.
Change is abrupt & step like
Change is qualitative
- quality of kind of skill / behav
Distinctive stages of devel??
e.g. Piagets stage theory of cognitive devel.
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Document Summary

Goes in a path able to do higher order things. Understand brain processes / thoughts / behav. Study to help understand adult thoughts: applied science. Issues in devel. psych: nature vs nurture, what causes devel change, parents bio + envir grown up in. Genetically determined process of growth that unfolds naturally over a period of time. Envir. makes little diff: envir. view: Envir. shapes the course of a childs devel. Genetics / bio place no restrictions on how a child devel. Period of time during devel. when certain experiences are crucial for a particular feature of devel to emerge. Not as strong w/ human as w/ animals. Most constructs are determined by sensitive periods. Both early + late devel essential: sensitive periods: Period of time during which experience is optimal for devel. of particular function. Similar function can devel after sensitive period window has closed.