BIOM1060 Study Guide - Fall 2018 Quiz Notes - Mouth, Ileum, Antibody

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20 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Produces, stores and eliminates wastes through urine. Position: lateral to spinal column, posterior to abdominal wall. Left kidney higher than right: liver on right upper quadrant on torso = right sits lower than left (spleen on left much smaller) Kidneys surrounded by fat: provides cushioning, protection, insulation and an attachment to the abdominal wall. Renal columns: part of cortex between pyramids. Part of nephron located only in medulla: loop of henle. Bladder location: pelvic cavity (anterior to uterus and posterior to pelvic bone) Urethra: longer for males than females (higher risk of utis in females) Conversion of food into nutrients required for life (digestion and absorption) Functions of saliva: digestion (enzyme = amylase) and lubricant. Controls: upper part = voluntary (contains skeletal muscle), lower part = autonomic nervous system (contains smooth muscle) Peristalsis: contractions and expansions of smooth muscle to allow for movement of food. Location: upper left portion of torso (inferior to oesophagus, superior to duodenum)