300905 Study Guide - Final Guide: Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Ischemic Colitis

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The following conditions may present in a similar manner as ulcerative colitis, and should be excluded: crohn"s disease infectious colitis, which is typically detected on stool cultures, entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes intestinal inflammation. A few cases have been misdiagnosed as uc with poor outcomes occurring due to the use of corticosteroids: pseudomembranous colitis, associated colitis, bacterial upsets often seen following administration of antibiotics. It is important to rule out malignancy especially when the colitis is refractory to the treatment. The most common disease that mimics the symptoms of ulcerative colitis is crohn"s disease, as both are inflammatory bowel diseases that can affect the colon with similar symptoms. It is important to differentiate these diseases since their courses and treatments may differ. In some cases, however, it may not be possible to tell the difference, in which case the disease is classified as indeterminate colitis.