ANHB2214 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Spermiogenesis, Sexual Differentiation, Corpus Spongiosum Penis

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Male Reproductive System:
o Function
Produce the gametes (spermatogenesis)
Produce androgens (steroidogenesis)
o Covered by a collagenous capsule tunica albuginea
o Tunica vascuolsa penetrate into tesis
o Mediastinum/hilum where blood vessels/tubes enter and leave
o Septum divide testis into lobules 200-300 lobules per testis
o Within lobules coiled tubes seminiferous tubules
o Ductuli efferentes take tubules out of testes into epididymis
Seminiferous tubules
o Originate from mediastinum and branch out 1-4 in each lobule
o Lined by seminiferous epithelium undergo differentiation to
form sperm
o Supported by peritubular tissue
o Base fibroblasts and basal lamina
o Germ cells (spermatogonia) start at base of tubule
o As these cells develop, they move up until they are released into
the lumen
Sertoli cells
o Sit against wall of tubule
o Tall columnar cells
o Extend from basement membrane to lumen of tubule
o Prominent nucleolus
o Tight junctions formed between neighboring Sertoli cells
creates blood-testis barrier
o Function
Support, protection and nutritional regulation of
developing spermatozoa
Phagocytosis of residual bodies released from spermatids
Secretion of testicular fluid into lumen of tubule
Production of androgen-binding protein (ABP)
Secretion of inhibin
Leydig cells
o Differentiate and secrete testosterone
o Sits in interstitial compartment
o Round, central nucleus
o Can have lipid drops cholesterol
o Process whereby spermatogonia develop into sperm
o Spermatogonial phase
Spermatagonia against wall of seminiferous tubule
Type A undergo regular mitotic divisions to build up
Type B recruited for spermatogenesis
o Spermatocyte phase
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