IDNT3302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pharmacology, National Health And Medical Research Council, Case Report

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31 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Systematically build knowledge and efficacy, impact health policy + service delivery, research activities, critical consumer of research literature, enhance understanding. Decline of incidence before treatment use/availability mcewens hypothesis. Science systematic study of people + environment based on deductions and inferences general laws formulated from reproducible observations + measurements. Deductions: a process where a general principle is applied to a particular case to explain it. Method systematic procedure, rules specifying acquirement of knowledge, form of knowledge, evaluate truth or falsity of knowledge. Quantitative research is often determined by hypothesis. Statement that specifis the expected nature of the relationship b/w 2 or more sets of variables. Draw conclusions summarise results conclusions to explain problem, check hypothesis, solution, implications for others, predict future. Observations identifying patterns hypothesis prediction experiments data draw conclusions. Hypotheses an explanation that is based on prior scientific research or observations and that can be tested. Scepticism any proposition/statement is open to analysis and critique.